Thursday, December 24, 2009
DON'T FAKE THE FUNK - AA vs The Actual 80s

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF - Amelia and Alek go to the chapel hand in hand

recently we provided Amelia with this

she and Alek provided this

and after some legal machinations

and cake

they made it

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
PAPER DOLL - Let's Play Dress Up
Our Paper Doll shoot was definitely the later!
We love presents... wrapping them in glossy holiday paper, unwrapping them in a flurry of ribbon and joy.
We love parties... all year long but especially holiday parties, the kind where you have the chance to share the last moments of a good year with great friends.
And what better way to celebrate our favorite time of year than with an inspired photoshoot featuring singer song writer Tracey Hope and our original gift paper party dresses!

And to all a good night!
Photography/Corlene Byrd
Styling & Design/Jennifer Henry & Flockflockflock
Model/Tracey Hope
Saturday, November 28, 2009
(excluding coats and outerwear cuz they cost a bundle to send even via snail mail)
click here to visit the shop... www.flockflockflock.etsy.com

Monday, November 9, 2009
DESERTED photoshoot - Sneak Peek 3
Oh what a lovely fluffy lawn ornament!

click on the image for the extra large version
See sneak peeks 1 and 2 for more glimpses of DESERTED!!!
Thank you tumble weeds, abandonded homes and my two favorite ladies... you are beautiful.
Friday, November 6, 2009
DESERTED photoshoot - Sneak Peek 2
Ingy as a pretty pink polk-a-dot with Corlene's favorite abandoned geodesic dome.

click the image to see the extra large version
Check out the last DESERTED bloggg entry for another visual goodie... DESERTED Sneak Peek 1
These girls are good, if we do say so ourselves.
Model Ingrid Truman
Styling Flockflockflock
Photographer Corlene Byrd
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF - Sloane does San Jose
Mia Sara, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986

Ings, Flockflockflock ETSY vintage store, 2009

And Flockflockflock ETSY vintage store patron Meredith was her, for Halloween 2009... watch out San Jose, this girl's got her eye on the prize.

www.flockflockflock.etsy.com making dreams come true, one white fringe coat at a time
Monday, November 2, 2009
my brain's the weak heart, my heart's the long stares - DESERTED shoot
This is just a little taste of the results...

click the image to see the extra large version
With friends like ours, who needs lovers?!
model Ingrid Truman
styling/wardrobe by Jennifer Henry/Flockflockflock
photography & post by Corlene Byrd/The Corlene Machine
Monday, September 21, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF - Pink on Pink at the Peppermill Las Vegas
They sold lots of art to local patrons and we hooked up our favorite Vegas Flockflockflockers with some spectacular vintage.
UNLV Women's Studies Professor, Lynn, has been a Ffflock customer since Spring and we love the way she saves her favorite vintage for special occasions... like this night out at the infamous Strip side Peppermill Las Vegas.

We ADORE her in this hot pink 70s flutter dress she picked up Saturday, especially against the iconic fuchsia velvet couches of Las Vegas' favorite latenight cocktail lounge!
Visit www.flockflockflock.etsy.com for more awesome vintage from the 50s-80s.
Monday, July 20, 2009
cut and paste preview 2!!!
We love Andrew's quiet and contemplative compositions almost as much as we adore his dreamy difussions and desaturated pallet. Andrew sent us a handful of shots to choose from and we've already picked our favorite but check out the two beauties below for a sneak peak at why we selected Andrew as this issue's sole photo contributor.

"tree" by Andrew James

"untitled" by Andrew James
Flockflockflock cut and paste 2 "Last Ditch" out August 2009...
See you on the other side ;)
Jennifer Henry - Fff's steerless leader
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Finally we have a title for Fff Cut & Paste 2: LAST DITCH.
And we've received some schweet contributions thus far... including an essay/soul searching rant on the topic of selling out, an inspirational layout concept, odds and ends from our favorite odd ender and a series of psycadelic posters by local Las Vegas music promoter/organizer and visual artist, Thirry Harlin.
We've already made our pick for the Cut & Paste but these are just as groovy...

(top: "Nelson Mandala:, bottom: "All American", the original creations of Thirry Harlin)
Learn more about what we're looking for in the post below and email whatchugots to jenhen@flockflockflock.com by June 30th, 2009!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
WISH LIST - zine zine zine 2

Goodish news!
The deadline for the our next Flockflockflock CUT and PASTE has been extended!!!
NEW DUE DATE: June 30th, 2009
What we're looking for...
Original art - drawings, paintings, photography/computer generated, by hand, all media
Original words - poetry, prose, fact, fiction, 500 word limit
Original music - notes, lyrics, tracks, playlists, DJ sets
And anything else you have up your sleeve...
For more info check out the Paper Boat bloggg here: SAVE YOURSELF
Jennifer Henry always says please and thank you
Friday, May 1, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
But imitation was never our style...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The only clear answer is "1980-1989."

Sorry, this piece is SOLD but check out our ETSY store for more great 80s vintage!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stat Counter - Secrets Revealed
Usually it's pretty benign details, such as the length of the visit, which pages were viewed and the city/country in which the visitor lives (or has their browser id registered to).
Sometimes it's a bit more revealing...
Notice the yellow highlighted portion on today's stat counter "recent visitor activity" detail.

So we clicked on it and this is the Google search it brought up.

Paper boat – Fff cut and paste 2

Flockflockflock’s first adventure into the world of Cut and Paste ZINES had a few twists and turns but our little “love you” tri-fold valentines turned out quite well, if we do say so ourselves. We mailed out/dropped off/hand delivered a total of 112 FREE handmade ZINES and are still receiving emails from all over the United States and as far away as Munich, Germany containing pics of our readers sporting their moustache stickers! Send yours to jenhen@flockflockflock.com!
For our 2nd Cut and Paste we hope to include the original works of at least 7 new contributors. Submissions in any printable medium are welcome (and if you’d like to submit something that’s not printable, we’d be happy to host it online with the web version). Check out the “love you” issue online here: www.flockflockflock.com/0209 to view what was selected last time.
Essays, paintings, poems,drawings, songs, rants, photographs, stories (fiction/non-fiction/a little of both) whatever you have in your desktop trashbin, send it! Chances are, we’ll love it. And even if it doesn’t make the Cut and Paste, we’ll pub it right here in the EVERYDAY blog during the weeks leading up to the release of our 2nd ZINE.
If we print your submission in the ZINE, you’ll get a 2009 Flockflockflock t-shirt, our undying appreciation and bragging rights (and a handful of ZINES to give out at your discretion).
If we pub your submission here on EVERYDAY, you get a free issue of the ZINE (this time we’ll be selling them for $2 plus shipping at our online store http://www.flockflockflock.etsy.com/).
If you don’t submit anything, you get nothing, except another chance to drown in regret. Real talk.
Deadline: May 30th, 2009
Email all submissions to: jenhen@flockflockflock.com
Or if it’s not email-able, email jenhen@flockflockflock.com for further instructions
Don’t go under.
<3 Fff
Thursday, March 19, 2009
love you WEBBIE
But fear not, our "love you" zine is now up on http://www.flockflockflock.com/!
And we hate to say it but our very first cut and paste beauty looks even better on the internets.
Stop by the site, click on the links (they all really work, thanks to our tireless designer/loverboy Brian Henry) and if you were lucky enough to get your mittens on a paper copy, please send your moustach sticker pic in to jenhen@flockflockflock.com.
See our 'stach stash on Facebook HERE!
Whatelse? Oh, yea.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
BUDDY BLOGS – Dott Schneider & The Pigeon
Check out the latest entry on Dott Schneider & The Pigeon - a BlogSpot by our friend and fellow artist Dott Schneider - about her recent between-employment, pre-wedding road trip to LA. She and friend Mary swing by the famous Pioneer Saloon in Good Springs, Nevada to check out the vagina shots deluge! Next stop on their obscure bar odyssey is LA’s El Alteño Sports Bar where the Swedish/Arab bartendress Jasmine mixes Greyhounds just right. The pair finally make it to The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles where they take in the complete history of the trailer park, Soviet space dogs and a bevy of Post WWII memorabilia exhibits we never knew we needed to see! Road trip anyone?

- Jennifer Henry Blogs Responsibly
Saturday, February 21, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF! "love you" zine 'stach pics 3

Downtown Steve
Amanda, Michael Todoran and Toby!!!
Send us your pic at jenhen@flockflockflock.com!!!
(Check out the "love you" zine online at www.flockflockflock.com . For a FREE copy of the Flockflockflock cut and paste "love you" zine, email your name and mailing address to jenhen@flockflockflock.com. )
Thursday, February 19, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF! "love you" zine 'stach pics 2
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF! "love you" zine 'stach pics
Inside are awesome visual works by Mathew Ward, Michael Hsiung, Carrie Vail and Bryan Hainer, as well as an interactive piece by yours truly.
Check out the original blog on my MOMENTO insert here: http://flock-a-rific.blogspot.com/2009/02/momento_13.html
If you haven't yet picked up a copy of "love you" stop in and ask for your FREE copy at these fine Las Vegas venues:
Henri & Odette http://www.henri-odette.com/
The Gypsy Den http://www.myspace.com/gypsy_den
Trifecta Gallery http://www.trifectagallery.com/
while supplies last!!!
Or email jenhen@flockflockflock.com with your proper name and complete mailing address and we'll post one direct to you!
Until then, you can see it online at http://www.flockflockflock.com/
We'll leave you with two pictures sent to us by "love you" contributor Carrie Vail (seen here with her fiance Wes) taken in celebration of their ZINEs arrival via mail.
We loved them before but now, now we love them extra.
Oh and Jim got in on the action too...

-Jennifer Henry inspiring shenannigans from coast to coast
Monday, February 16, 2009
Love Letters - Part II
Sometime later we received a set of late night emails from a would-be contributor who strongly objected to our publishing a positive depiction of Reagan as well as a more critical view of his 2 terms in office. In celebration of President's Day we've posted these emails for our Flockflockflock EVERYDAY readers as well as a link to the original essays that spurred them.
Please note that Jennifer Henry wrote the affirmative piece (presented on the right side of the page, in white, under the heading "Sycophants") and Tommy Marth wrote the creative and compelling contrary piece (presented on the left side of the page, in black, under the heading "Naysayers").
At Flockflockflock we celebrate diversity in all things, be it politics, music or any of the material arts and although our contributors often share a common pallet (as defined by taste and fundamental means of expression) we have never asked that they modify their views nor sought out only contributors with a particular set of views, in an attempt to craft an idealogically homogenous product. We think that's lame/close minded/boring.
A very special thanks to writer/musician Tommy Marth for allowing us to post this blog with the email writer's incoherent-however-still-offensive ad hominem attack against him. And please note that Flockflockflock has omitted the email writer's name and email address as a courtesy.
email #1:
----- Original Message -----
From: (name ommitted, Fff)
To: Jennifer Henry
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:05 AM
Subject: i have a few things to contribute to your blog BUT
the tommy marth piece on reagan totally GROSSED ME OUT.
i have met tommy a few times. for someone involved in the drug addled new wave yuppie club scene of las vegas.. i mean.. at first it makes sense that he wants to defend a celluloid non-hero FUCKING NEO NAZI PIECE OF SHIT like ronald reagan. but at the same time i thought your website was going to be a little more progressive minded than including pieces that seemingly defends a person and administration that single handedly set back the progress of our country's notions of equality and human rights by about oh... SIXTY YEARS.
the years of ronald reagan and his administration brought the worst kind of backwards thinking this country has seen since the fifties post war mentality. if someone "cool" like tommy marth wants to even jokingly defend that asshole and his fourth reich, that's all well and good. but the title sycophant might not be the most appropriate for the section you placed his commentary in. REDNECK DEFENDING RETARD might be more fitting.
perhaps i misread the whole thing. but really. i was about to submit a piece about pro choice and ads in subways promoting pro life ideals. i don't want my opinion to be involved with ANYTHING defending that piece of shit RR and his failed dynasty. i'll save it for the blog i'm launching early 2009 i guess?
someone needs to tell mr. marth nevada is a blue state now. and hopefully they are never looking back. maybe he should move to kentucky? mississippi? blech.
(name omitted, Fff)
email #2:
----- Original Message -----
From: (name omitted, Fff)
To: Jennifer Henry
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:15 AM
Subject: wait!!!!
reading the blurb for the like.. tenth time i realize maybe it was you who wrote the section on reagan and how great he was??? SAY IT ISNT SO!!!!!!!!????
aside from the format totally confusing the crap out of me... (three of my friends reading along currently agree) i mistakenly thought tommy wrote the pro rr rant... but it may have been you????
again... say it isnt so!!!! tell me you don't believe that horse shit... ronald reagan was one of our top five worst presidents. ever. hands down. glorified movie star prick turned politician. and his wife... don't even get me started... just say no... how about..: HEY NANCY, good try talking to a generation of people addicted to drugs partly because your husband okayed their implementation into ghettoes in the first year of his presidency! through goevernment issued projects and well paid drug lords in minority slums.
i know it's late here, but OH MY GOD.... so disappointed that anyone thinks ronald reagan was a good president.... listen to some black flag dude... UGH???!!!
(name omitted, Fff)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
TONIGHT! Los Angeles...
It’s is a rare night when I can go out to a bar these days sit down with a whiskey and a DJ is playing a song that was made and released within the year. It depresses me. I live in Los Angeles. DJs should be breaking new talent not catering to nostalgic weekend warriors. I’ve been starting a revolt against all music recorded prior to 2004. Unless it’s a Donovan song. (Hurdy Gurdy Man anyone?!) And I’m purposefully using the word song and not record. I don’t care if you or your bar only spins vinyl! Who the fuck would care when you're just spinning the same fucking Blondie song every fucking Thursday night! Oh my bad, you have some Prince and Morrissey vinyl too...what a party! Play fucking CDs, play fucking MP3s and play fucking NEW MUSIC. With the fall of the record industry, more and more real talent is flooding the streets and yet no fucking DJs take the fucking chance to break these guys in bars and clubs. You have friends in good bands? Play their fucking record for them, asshole!
Thankfully tonight is going to be different. The ShortStop in Echo Park is hosting a listening party for a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW compilation entitled “Dark Was the Night.” And guess what kids...the official release isn’t for another 2 days! Eat that DJ Vinyl only circa '78! Can’t get much newer than that. Yeah, I’m psyched. This compilation comprised of 31 exclusive tracks will be available as a double CD/triple vinyl and via download all to benefit the Red Hot Organization – an international charity dedicated to raising money and awareness for HIV and AIDS through popular culture.
I was given a copy of it last week and I haven’t been listening to anything else since. (Except “The Essential Donovan” CD, of course). The compilation really is fantastic and beautiful. Stand out tracks that kill are David Sitek's (TV on the Radio) "A Girl Like You," "Amazing Grace" as performed by Cat Power (who's voice will soon rival that of one Aretha Franklin /Joni Mitchell hybrid), “Lua” a heartbreaking duet by Connor Oberst and Gillian Welch, “Cello Song” (Nick Drake) as performed by The Books and Jose Gonzalez, “Train Song” by Feist and Ben Gibbard and Antony from Antony and the Johnsons absolutely devastated me with yet another of his amazing Bob Dylan covers, “I was young when I left home.”
C'mon. You know you want to sip whiskey at The ShortStop with me and hear this stuff before anyone else! Don’t worry, Blondie and Grand Master Flash will be back next weekend. Oh, I forgot to mention duets by Grizzly Bear and Feist, new New Pornographers as well as new Iron and Wine. The set is not to be fucked with. And it’s for an amazing cause! And its entry to the listening party is free with your RSVP. But buy the CD… or MP3s… or if you must, the vinyl.
Visit http://www.darkwasthenight.com/ for more info, free downloads and to order your copy of the compilation!
And check out the flyer to RSVP for tonight's event and your chance to buy the music in advance!

Friday, February 13, 2009
If you have no idea what we're talking about, please send your proper name and mailing address to jenhen@flockflockflock.com and we'll send you a FREE copy of our "love you" ZINE so you too can fully enjoy the experience of Buddy Cole.
This piece was inspired by a number of strange situational juxtapositions that have occurred over many months. The first was a conversation I had with Ryan Marth of The Big Friendly Corporation. We discussed a particular Kids in the Hall skit in which the same actor who plays the infamous Buddy Cole (KITH's Scott Thompson) declared "WE ARE ALL SAUSAGES!" Ryan had no recollection of this episode and some months later, when presented with the opportunity to purchase the complete collection of KITH on DVD he did so, which led to his inevitable encounter with the "Love and Sausages" skit previously discussed.
Sometime later he lent me the DVD so I might better recall the details of the skit, of which I had only a hazy recollection from my adolescent years in front of the TV. Upon watching the episode I realized that the story was not, in fact, about sausages but it was a love story in which sausages were a gift of anonymous affection not unlike a valentine. On the same DVD was a unique Buddy Cole skit where we encounter the flamboyant bar owner perched upon a gravestone in a cemetery. In the monolog that follows, Buddy shares with us a celebratory remembrance of his late friend and a glimpse of the momento he left behind.
Aside from that, all of our contributors to the Flockflockflock “love you” cut and paste ZINE have an affinity for moustaches… Mathew Ward's heartfelt sentiment lies on the center of a face in his visual work “I hope you’re happy”, Michael Hsiung’s charming characters often sport ‘staches, Bryan Hainer’s own visage is home to the moustache’s more triumphant cousin the beard and I recently encouraged our designer Brian Henry to grow a moustache, which delighted Carrie Vail on her latest visit to Las Vegas.
We love Buddy Cole and we hope you do too.
-Jennifer Henry Loves You
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
WE LIKE IT - Crash Encore
Think Modest Mouse, if MM vocalist Isaac Brock/Curt Cobain (the Heart Shaped Box version)/Bob Dylan's (the Vaudeville-ian corpse edition) threeway love child were the lead singer and all the band members had more hair/stage presence.
Someone almost lost an eye to the headstock of a guitar, pinky-out on the water bottle drinkage was the attitude and even the old folks in dockers and leather bomber jackets bopped along to CE's short set.
Word is they're back Vegas side in March for the Neon Reverb Downtown music festival but our L.A. readers can check them out at the Silverlake Lounge next week: Wednesday, February 18th.
Visit their MySpace: www.myspace.com/crashencore and band website: http://www.crashencore.com/ for more info on their 52 songs in 2009 free MP3 email list promo and to check for performance dates, watch videos and listen to some tunes!
World Blows My Mind from Crash Encore on Vimeo.
- Jennifer Henry Flockflockflock's Steerless Leader
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stream of Unconsciousness - I'm still drunk from last night and other mid-afternoon musings by Mathew Ward
Green(ness) is a trend and a marketing tool. To them. To me. To everyone.
Everyone thinks they can play the harmonica (including me) but then proceeds to demonstrate in the wrong key.
Everyone hates the Grammys because it’s - like - what you’re supposed to do. We can all love Kanye - all the time – except when he's performing at the Grammys. It’s our obligation as a 2009ers.
Speaking as an award show baby, I think the Grammys officially took the reins back from the VMAs. Which is to say Abel killed Cain this time. Which is to say every season the Grammys and the VMAs air, my friends and I seem to talk more and more about suicide.
My heaven is very gay, Bette Midler serves cocktails and drag queens perform as Barbara Stanwyck/Streisand.
I’m planning on doing acid next weekend to alleviate the pain. I’m planning on doing acid next weekend with a strange girl. A girl who is in town from up north or the Mid-West. A girl who arrived within the week and is in need of work and a hot meal.
It’s been all “global warming, global warming” in L.A. lately. It was 32 degrees last night. Which makes me think about all the homeless who died last night in the cold.
Not really.
Oh. And this:
Monday, February 9, 2009
photography and graphics work by Bryan Hainer
or painter/jewelry maker/style sophisticate Carrie Vail

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Love Letters - Part I

But it's possible that we friend requested him more than once... since he's such a swell guy ;)
- Jennifer Henry Likes Angry People
Friday, February 6, 2009
SHOW YOURSELF - Hello from the United Kingdom!
This hot pink fluffy angora sweater with princess poof shoulders:

Thursday, February 5, 2009
annum BLOGa - preview of Bryan Hainer after Erte
"F" from the Alphabet series - costume design - "L'Amore" bronze and enamel sculpture - by Erté
100 years later, Hainer has transformed Erté's iconic narrative style and daring color pallets into modern art with the same flair for the dramatic and fresh new faces that smack of our own iconic boom and bust era.

"The Angel" by Bryan Hainer, visit www.bryanhainer.com for more glimpses of his latest work
Monday, January 19, 2009
annum BLOGa - a preview by Andreana Donahue
Hsiung’s ink drawings are simple yet poetic narratives with clever titles. He most commonly chronicles the habits of quirky gentlemen, mythical creatures, odd couples, and timeless battles between Man and Beast (unitars, bears, kangaroos, etc...).
These anti-heroes will disarm you and make you laugh while secretly drinking all of your rum. But don’t be fooled by Hsiung’s casual humor. He’s a serious artist who means business. This mustachioed marksman had an impressive roster of fourteen exhibitions in 2008, which included the Helsinki Biennale in October.
He also contributes work for album covers, publications, and frequently appears in a plethora of online forums. Hsiung is beginning 2009 with a group show that ponders the passing of another year entitled Prescience hosted by Floating World Comics in Portland (through February 5). And he's contributing to Flockflockflock's upcoming ZINE!
Here's a piece that was not chosen for our zine but is, however, equally as delightful!

See more of Hsiung’s work at www.michaelchsiung.com