If you've reached this page by following the URL printed at the top of Flockflockflock's "love you" cut and paste ZINE insert - we love you even more than before. Please note, your moustache is a sticker, simply peel off the paper backing and stick it wherever you like.
If you have no idea what we're talking about, please send your proper name and mailing address to jenhen@flockflockflock.com and we'll send you a FREE copy of our "love you" ZINE so you too can fully enjoy the experience of Buddy Cole.
This piece was inspired by a number of strange situational juxtapositions that have occurred over many months. The first was a conversation I had with Ryan Marth of The Big Friendly Corporation. We discussed a particular Kids in the Hall skit in which the same actor who plays the infamous Buddy Cole (KITH's Scott Thompson) declared "WE ARE ALL SAUSAGES!" Ryan had no recollection of this episode and some months later, when presented with the opportunity to purchase the complete collection of KITH on DVD he did so, which led to his inevitable encounter with the "Love and Sausages" skit previously discussed.
Sometime later he lent me the DVD so I might better recall the details of the skit, of which I had only a hazy recollection from my adolescent years in front of the TV. Upon watching the episode I realized that the story was not, in fact, about sausages but it was a love story in which sausages were a gift of anonymous affection not unlike a valentine. On the same DVD was a unique Buddy Cole skit where we encounter the flamboyant bar owner perched upon a gravestone in a cemetery. In the monolog that follows, Buddy shares with us a celebratory remembrance of his late friend and a glimpse of the momento he left behind.
Aside from that, all of our contributors to the Flockflockflock “love you” cut and paste ZINE have an affinity for moustaches… Mathew Ward's heartfelt sentiment lies on the center of a face in his visual work “I hope you’re happy”, Michael Hsiung’s charming characters often sport ‘staches, Bryan Hainer’s own visage is home to the moustache’s more triumphant cousin the beard and I recently encouraged our designer Brian Henry to grow a moustache, which delighted Carrie Vail on her latest visit to Las Vegas.
We love Buddy Cole and we hope you do too.
-Jennifer Henry Loves You
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
WE LIKE IT - Crash Encore
We stopped by Wasted Space in the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to catch an up-and-coming 5 piece out of San Diego known as Crash Encore.
Think Modest Mouse, if MM vocalist Isaac Brock/Curt Cobain (the Heart Shaped Box version)/Bob Dylan's (the Vaudeville-ian corpse edition) threeway love child were the lead singer and all the band members had more hair/stage presence.
Someone almost lost an eye to the headstock of a guitar, pinky-out on the water bottle drinkage was the attitude and even the old folks in dockers and leather bomber jackets bopped along to CE's short set.
Word is they're back Vegas side in March for the Neon Reverb Downtown music festival but our L.A. readers can check them out at the Silverlake Lounge next week: Wednesday, February 18th.
Visit their MySpace: www.myspace.com/crashencore and band website: http://www.crashencore.com/ for more info on their 52 songs in 2009 free MP3 email list promo and to check for performance dates, watch videos and listen to some tunes!
World Blows My Mind from Crash Encore on Vimeo.
- Jennifer Henry Flockflockflock's Steerless Leader
Think Modest Mouse, if MM vocalist Isaac Brock/Curt Cobain (the Heart Shaped Box version)/Bob Dylan's (the Vaudeville-ian corpse edition) threeway love child were the lead singer and all the band members had more hair/stage presence.
Someone almost lost an eye to the headstock of a guitar, pinky-out on the water bottle drinkage was the attitude and even the old folks in dockers and leather bomber jackets bopped along to CE's short set.
Word is they're back Vegas side in March for the Neon Reverb Downtown music festival but our L.A. readers can check them out at the Silverlake Lounge next week: Wednesday, February 18th.
Visit their MySpace: www.myspace.com/crashencore and band website: http://www.crashencore.com/ for more info on their 52 songs in 2009 free MP3 email list promo and to check for performance dates, watch videos and listen to some tunes!
World Blows My Mind from Crash Encore on Vimeo.
- Jennifer Henry Flockflockflock's Steerless Leader
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stream of Unconsciousness - I'm still drunk from last night and other mid-afternoon musings by Mathew Ward
The children are NOT the future.
Green(ness) is a trend and a marketing tool. To them. To me. To everyone.
Everyone thinks they can play the harmonica (including me) but then proceeds to demonstrate in the wrong key.
Everyone hates the Grammys because it’s - like - what you’re supposed to do. We can all love Kanye - all the time – except when he's performing at the Grammys. It’s our obligation as a 2009ers.
Speaking as an award show baby, I think the Grammys officially took the reins back from the VMAs. Which is to say Abel killed Cain this time. Which is to say every season the Grammys and the VMAs air, my friends and I seem to talk more and more about suicide.
My heaven is very gay, Bette Midler serves cocktails and drag queens perform as Barbara Stanwyck/Streisand.
I’m planning on doing acid next weekend to alleviate the pain. I’m planning on doing acid next weekend with a strange girl. A girl who is in town from up north or the Mid-West. A girl who arrived within the week and is in need of work and a hot meal.
It’s been all “global warming, global warming” in L.A. lately. It was 32 degrees last night. Which makes me think about all the homeless who died last night in the cold.
Not really.
Oh. And this:
Green(ness) is a trend and a marketing tool. To them. To me. To everyone.
Everyone thinks they can play the harmonica (including me) but then proceeds to demonstrate in the wrong key.
Everyone hates the Grammys because it’s - like - what you’re supposed to do. We can all love Kanye - all the time – except when he's performing at the Grammys. It’s our obligation as a 2009ers.
Speaking as an award show baby, I think the Grammys officially took the reins back from the VMAs. Which is to say Abel killed Cain this time. Which is to say every season the Grammys and the VMAs air, my friends and I seem to talk more and more about suicide.
My heaven is very gay, Bette Midler serves cocktails and drag queens perform as Barbara Stanwyck/Streisand.
I’m planning on doing acid next weekend to alleviate the pain. I’m planning on doing acid next weekend with a strange girl. A girl who is in town from up north or the Mid-West. A girl who arrived within the week and is in need of work and a hot meal.
It’s been all “global warming, global warming” in L.A. lately. It was 32 degrees last night. Which makes me think about all the homeless who died last night in the cold.
Not really.
Oh. And this:
Monday, February 9, 2009
This Friday, February 13th is the official release date for Flockflockflock's very 1st cut and paste ZINE!!! We're only printing a limited quantity so if you're not luck enough to be friends with one of our illustrious contributors (and there for the recipient of one of their copies)...
"heart left" sketchbook page by Carrie Vail
More on the affection of the man towards his bear suit and the discomfort it caused others by Michael Hsiung
like photography artist Bryan Hainer
photography and graphics work by Bryan Hainer
or painter/jewelry maker/style sophisticate Carrie Vail

or illustration artist/story teller Michael Hsiung

then check back Friday morning for a special blog post on where to pick up your FREE copy!!!
- Jenhen Crafter of the Universe
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Love Letters - Part I
We got a really sweet note from some random dude on our MySpace today. We don't know much about him, except that he obviously likes to play poker, has a potty mouth and constantly comes up in our "mutual friends" suggestion box. So naturally I imagine we've asked to be his friend. I can't be sure because we send/receive so many friend requests everyday.

But it's possible that we friend requested him more than once... since he's such a swell guy ;)
- Jennifer Henry Likes Angry People
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