Once upon a time there was a dude who feared his world and everything in it was soon to meet a cataclysmic end. In an attempt to survive and preserve all he would need to craft a new world, he built a boat. The moral of the story? Save yourself.
Flockflockflock’s first adventure into the world of Cut and Paste ZINES had a few twists and turns but our little “love you” tri-fold valentines turned out quite well, if we do say so ourselves. We mailed out/dropped off/hand delivered a total of 112 FREE handmade ZINES and are still receiving emails from all over the United States and as far away as Munich, Germany containing pics of our readers sporting their moustache stickers! Send yours to
For our 2nd Cut and Paste we hope to include the original works of at least 7 new contributors. Submissions in any printable medium are welcome (and if you’d like to submit something that’s not printable, we’d be happy to host it online with the web version). Check out the “love you” issue online here:
www.flockflockflock.com/0209 to view what was selected last time.
Essays, paintings, poems,drawings, songs, rants, photographs, stories (fiction/non-fiction/a little of both) whatever you have in your desktop trashbin, send it! Chances are, we’ll love it. And even if it doesn’t make the Cut and Paste, we’ll pub it right here in the EVERYDAY blog during the weeks leading up to the release of our 2nd ZINE.
If we print your submission in the ZINE, you’ll get a 2009 Flockflockflock t-shirt, our undying appreciation and bragging rights (and a handful of ZINES to give out at your discretion).
If we pub your submission here on EVERYDAY, you get a free issue of the ZINE (this time we’ll be selling them for $2 plus shipping at our online store
If you don’t submit anything, you get nothing, except another chance to drown in regret. Real talk.
Deadline: May 30th, 2009
Email all submissions to:
jenhen@flockflockflock.comOr if it’s not email-able, email
jenhen@flockflockflock.com for further instructions
Don’t go under.
<3 Fff