Flockflockflock's first cut and paste is almost done! But before we release all 6 pages of glorious zine to the universe, let us first introduce you to the latest series by a frequent Fffer and our
zine's photo art contributor, Bryan Hainer.
Fusing photography and design Hainer fashioned his latest images after the famous works of
Erté, a turn-of-the-last-century Russian born French illustrator and costume designer best known for his bold Art Deco drawings often featured on the cover of
Harper's Bazaar and his lavish costumes for
Folies Bergère. Some argue that it was Erté alone who set the fashion, design and fine art vocabulary of The Roaring 20s.
"F" from the Alphabet series - costume design - "L'Amore" bronze and enamel sculpture - by Erté
100 years later, Hainer has transformed Erté's iconic narrative style and daring color pallets into modern art with the same flair for the dramatic and fresh new faces that smack of our own iconic boom and bust era.
"The Angel" by Bryan Hainer, visit www.bryanhainer.com for more glimpses of his latest work